Here is all the information you need to know for SEO

Here is all the information you need to know for SEO

It will help you to generate organic traffic and get a website ‘ranked’ on the Search Engine Result Pages.

Here is all the information you need to know for SEO. In the world of digitally active professions, one of the well known professions is SEO expert. You may wonder exactly what is SEO? 

SEO – Search Engine Optimization is a practice to generate organic traffic and get a website ‘ranked’ on the Search Engine Result Pages. Wikipedia defines it as “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results”.

By the end of this article you will have a strong understanding of how search engine optimization operates, why it is valuable, and how to get astonishing results in a rapidly changing SEO environment. 

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Why is it important to know about Search Engine Optimization or SEO?

Here is all the information you need to know for SEO. Every person that has access to the internet, uses it to search for countless things. The concept of using an encyclopedia is far outdated. The traffic that these searches generate can be really beneficial to businesses. Not only because it’s a lot of traffic but because they have a specific intent which businesses can use to drive traffic to themselves.

Targeting a specific intent traffic can make it easier for business to appear on search engine result pages. It also widens the target market hence increasing sales.

How does Driving Traffic from Search Engines actually work?

Here is all the information you need to know for SEO. The important thing to remember is that currently the top playing search engine is Google. There may be a disparity based on niche among search engines, however the most used search engine is Google.

Therefore going according to what Google looks for is essential. Google algorithm is extremely complex and no one actually knows how it operates fully. However every year google updates its algorithm and releases a document that tells us basic practices that google considers when ranking a website or business. So some of the things to remember are that:

  1. Google looks for web pages that contain quality and relevant information about the searcher’s question.
  2. It determines relevancy by “crawling” your website’s content and evaluating whether that content is relevant to what the searcher is seeking, this is based on the keywords it contains.
  3. It then determines the “quality” by a number of ways, but the most prominent among those is still the number and quality of other websites that link to a page and a website. Meaning that it calculates the quality by searching the relevancy and domain authority of website links in your content. 

The main objective is that the content in a business website needs to be high-quality and relevant to the search query.

Keyword Research & Best Practices

Here is all the information you need to know for SEO. Being able to identify what people are searching for also known as ‘keywords’ is a basic skill required to do SEO. These keywords help organize the bases of optimization.

It seems like a simple task, however there are few things that are important when doing keyword research.

  • Search Volume of a Keyword – The first and foremost step towards assessing a keyword is to search for keyword volume. Meaning how many people are actually searching the keyword. If there is low volume then it means that the keyword is not getting enough traffic. An ideal keyword for ranking is below 100.
  • Relevance – It doesn’t mean that if a keyword has a lot of searches, it is also relevant to the query. 
  • Competition – In SEO you must consider other potential competition to a business. Recognizing a competition helps in ranking your keyword.

There are plenty of SEO keyword search tools that help you determine keywords. 

The main thing you must understand is who your prospective customers are and what they’re likely to search for. If you haven’t already thought about who the prospective target market is then you should start there. It is essential for your business as well as your SEO campaign.


Here is all the information you need to know for SEO. These include different types of SEO.

On-Page SEO

This focuses on all of the content that exists on a web page when viewing a website. Once you have chosen a list of keywords for your business, you need to implement them into your website pages. 

Both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals.

Along with your focus keywords, you also need to add a list of related words.  Some critical elements for successful on-page SEO include:

Title Tags – While Google is functioning to raise understanding the particular meaning of a page and de-emphasizing aggressive and manipulative use of keywords, including the term that you simply want to rank for in your pages remains valuable. Therefore the single most impactful place you’ll put your keyword is your page’s title tag. 

Meta Descriptions – Google takes some liberties with what they display in search results, so your meta description might not always show, but if you’ve got a compelling description of your page that might make folks searching likely to click, you’ll greatly increase traffic. 

Body Content – Google has been increasingly favoring certain sorts of content, and as you build out any of the pages on your site, there are a couple of things to stay in mind. Your content must be Unique, Engaging and must be an element of Shareability.

Alt attributes – An alt attribute is an HTML element that permits you to supply alternative information for a picture if a user can’t view it. Your images may break over time therefore having a useful description of the image is often helpful from an overall usability perspective.

Url Structure – An website’s URL structure can be important both from a tracking perspective and a shareability standpoint.

Schema & Markup – This does not make a web page show up higher in search results, however it does add an edge to your keyword listing in Google Adwords.

Off-Page SEO

This practice includes all activity off the web page. It’s aimed toward watching alternatives which will help increase your website’s rank in SERPs and organic traffic.

Some of the common techniques include; building do-follow backlinks, social profile building, guest posting, and commenting on relevant blogs.

With Off-Page SEO, you’re improving the program and therefore the user’s perception of a site’s popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority. 

SEO is very focused on strategies and their execution. Here some easy to follow backlink building strategies:

  • Outreach – this is often all about presenting rank worthy content to the people in your niche. A simple thanks to do that is to make content that’s attention catching.

There is nobody that doesn’t like unique and quality pitch. HARO may be an exemplar for trying to land a robust backlink, because it connects content makers to press, who are working for the well-known press.

  • Guest posting – Another effective strategy is to try to do guest posting. It’s the oldest trick within the book for SEO experts. And why not, if something works, you persist with it.

The only update to the present trick is that you simply find relevant websites/blog posts and you pitch your idea for a guest post. Put yourself within the competition.

  • Broken Link building – during this fast-paced field, it is often difficult to urge a broken link. There are tools that identify if there are any broken links during a website. Once you discover that crack, you pitch them an email.
  • Unlinked mention – Sometimes, you’ll be mentioned without a link. you’ll use the very fact that the author knows your work and may pitch for a link, where you’re mentioned.

Technical SEO

This includes the use of HTML and CSS – coding language and focuses more on the factor of how your website is coded, meaning the backend of a website.

Another piece of important information is that there are two ways of executing an SEO campaign. 

Black hat SEO

This practice isn’t in accordance with search engine system guidelines and it is frowned upon. These are unethical practices and typically cause penalty by the program . Black hat techniques include:

  • keyword stuffing
  • cloaking
  • using private link networks

Wanting to appear in SERPs is significant for any business growth. However, there’s a right and wrong way of doing program optimization.

The practice of black hat SEO is that it is the incorrect method. This method seeks to dodge program algorithms. They seek a shortcut for ranking within the SERPs, rather than trying to earn their rank. Continuing the utilization of black hat SEO techniques is more likely to wreck your presence in search engines.

White hat SEO

White hat SEO refers to any and every one practice that improves your search rankings on an enquiry engine results page (SERP). beat all, while maintaining the ethics and integrity of your website and falling within the search engines’ guidelines. These tactics stay within the bounds as defined by Google or the other program .

Some of the common samples of white hat SEO include:

  • Offering original quality content and services
  • Fast site loading times and mobile-friendliness
  • Using descriptive, keyword-rich meta tags
  • Making your site easy to navigate

Search engines are tons smarter and may identify once they are being gamed. Good SEO practice results in an extended term responsive and passive audience.

These are a number of the foremost important aspects of SEO. Understanding this information results in a good and ethical battle in ‘ranking’ your website in SERPs.

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